Monday, March 15, 2010

Oh the Cleverness of me.... alternately titled: ahhh its good to be back

This weekend was so great... on saturday Johnathon and I headed to ogden to see a movie with heather, We saw Alice in wonderland... and i must say it was magic, Three quarters of the way through the movie i wasnt really sure what i thought, not sold on the hatter at all ... and then the magic happened... I dont remember the exact moment, or what it was that happened, but suddenly i LOVED the movie, and I suddenly loved each and every moment i had been unsure of previously... because it was now what led up to the magic... LOL there is my two cents worth of a movie review... Here is my beautiful daughter posing with the man of her dreams... That is Zuko, the Last airbender is coming to the big screen and we are soooo excited... HUGE fans.

Before the movie we hit the arcade... Here is little man breaking out his moves for dance dance revolution... i got some video, but cant get it to upload.

Sunday we did our grocery shopping and treated ourselves to a new blender... then bought every fresh peice of fruit we could find and some spinach and threw it all in it, It was delicious... and gave us enough energy that we hit the local walking trail... Legacy Parkway, we even took the dog... He is in worse shape than i am... thats funny!!

All in all it was an amazing weekend... and i am so looking forward to spring really being here... I wonder if this recent transformation i am going through has something to do with the seasons, i dont think you can attribute what i have been going through to seasonal depression, but it is funny that i feel like i am coming back to life at the same time the earth is starting too as well.... I have some giant hurdles coming up, that i will need to get over, but i dont feel the need to hide in bed and cry for hours either right now... We will see how next weekend goes, when its not my weekend, and if i maintain as well... i did well the weekend before. Its like looking at myself and my direction with new eyes... how cliche.


Mama Bear said...

glad to see you are blogging again!!

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