Friday, March 5, 2010

If we call scary dreams Nightmares... what do horses call their bad dreams?

It has been a year... a year since I posted here... I cannot believe how much has happened and how much has changed... and yet so much is still the same. It seems like I am a completely different person living a completely different life. But really as I post a few pictures from recent activities, and then look over my previous posts from exactly a year ago and it is almost identical. How is that even possible??

Lets have a look...

Pinewood derby... This is his last year in Cubscouts... his arrow of light ceremony is going to be in april.. he will be "crossing the bridge" into boyscouts

He has earned a bunch of his belt loops and pins, and has worked so hard.. He loves his friends that we have made here.. and it really has shaped who he is. I am so proud of him every single day, he has not had the easiest year, and we struggle everyday to work through feelings and frustrations, but he is hanging in there and he has turned into such a little character.

I love him sooo much!
This adorable girl is still living in ogden... doing whatever it is she does... and does it all well... she is amazing and strong... and i am amazed every single day at how much she is accomplishing and learning and succeeding in. I love her so much!

We have made lots of new friends... and ummm experienced some very new experiences... Many of which are too much to share just yet... but i will try to come back to the blog... cause i kinda feel like i am coming back to myself.

1 comment:

The Eds said...

I didn't post for awhile either. But glad to see you posting again.