Monday, November 3, 2008

Latest Pictures

Thursday at school they had their halloween parade... They arent allowed to wear masks at school, so Tim did an excellent job of painting his face... quite scary if i do say so myself... He had alot of fun (again the dates on my camera are messed up and i am too lazy to alter the pics to cut them out, bear with me... ive been struggling as of late)

Then that night was scouts.. it was the october den meeting, and my little man lead the flag ceremony, he does such a good job at this, that they often as him to do it... its his thing...

Then they passed out awards.. he got alot of them because he had earned so many this summer at webelos day camp.. he got his craftsman, as well as readyman and several others.. he was quite pleased with himself.

Then for the den activity we had a halloween carnival... bobbing for apples was the big hit with the crowd... Several kids actually fell in all the way, it was so funny. But not wanting him to fall in, here is a picture i took, while holding him by his belt loops and dangling him into the water head first... LOL he was cracking up!

LOOK! he got one!

He was not the only wet child... LOL

We are so lucky to have so many good friends to be around.
Then came trick or treating on friday... Here he is with John, they went together, their dads took them around while the moms stayed home and passed out candy...

OHHHH!! Look at the little princess that came by while I was passing out candy... Its my emma... She is so sweet!

I really appreciate everyones support and comments as our lives are completely changing... I know that things will get better.. I am really trying to not change our day to day activities as much as possible... But it still has been really hard. Thanks for everything.

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

I can't believe how much Jonathan has grown in the last 5 years!!! Its amazing. He looks awesome!
Hang in there. I love you!