Friday, August 8, 2008

Baby Sitting Money put to good use..... LOL!

I have been paying Lindseys two oldest to babysit Johnathon one or two days a week... Well this week they worked on a special little concert for me.... I could describe to you the joy and hilarity this gave me... but i think this video might give you a small glimpse into what it was like... they performed 5 songs... and well....

As summer vacation is coming to an end.. and the kids are getting ready for school... They are making the most of their time... here they are camping out in the living room, on the floor... They stay up late and watch movies

With the night’s darkness holding the morning sun hostage a little longer every day... everybody is ready to give up on summer. For a season that a lot of people claim is their favorite... they sure are eager to see it leave. The autumnal equinox, and hence the end of summer or, more appropriately, the beginning of autumn (fall for those laypeople out there)... is still almost a month away. Soooooooooo September 23, 2007 is the day of reckoning for summer, not September 1. Quit your whining and get outside and enjoy the summer season in its entirety. Once summer is over it won’t be back for another 272 days (give or take).

And then there was scout camp... Here is Johnathon attending ready man, the Webelos camp where he knocked off many of this lifesaving and first aid requirements... and passed the swimming test without any problems.

Fix your eyes on the greatness of your country as you have it before you day by day, fall in love with her, and when you feel her great, remember that her greatness was won by men with courage, with knowledge of their duty, and with a sense of honor in action... - Pericles


Life's Little Moments said...

Okay the pic with Heather and Jonathan camped out is the best!

britentj said...

I am with you on the summer spoilers! Although, the return to school seems to quicken the end of summer. *sigh*

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