Monday, June 2, 2008

And then it was over.....

:::Curls up in the recliner, holding a precious cup of herbal tea... starts a celine dion CD :::::

(Disgusting i know... no not the tea... or the music choice, although that is bad... Disgusting that i am going to brag about my children yet again.... Someone commented i have a wholesome family.... thanks for the comment by the way.... But that is when i realized i really have been really bragging it up.... Leaving off the stories of us having burping contests in restaurants... or coming in the house to the stench of rotten feet... seeing both of the kids wagging their bare feet in the air proudly... OR better yet... One day... I am going to take pictures of their rooms and post them... You know the kind of pictures... with underwear stuck to the ceiling, and the dresser drawers empty... Climbing over Mount Saint Clothing to try to say goodnight to them... But until the day i do that... your stuck with more of this)

Friday was the big day... It was insane... Im going through it step by step... so get comfy... grab a cup o tea... turn on some ridiculousy sappy music and settle in... here we go.

First i picked up Johnathon from school, Yes... that is him... wearing his yearbook as a hat... LOOK! Here he is with his teacher... SO PROUD

Happily Graduated from THIRD GRADE!! YAY!!!
Then we were homeward bound... stopping at costco to pick up this beast..
Then after gifts were happily distributed... Off we went to tepanyaki... OMG! if you havent eaten there... it is a must... SO YUMMY... SURPRISE!!! LOOK who showed up at her graduation dinner.....

Yep! that is who you think it is... Sitting next to my parents... Shannon.. and she brought Shawn!!

I had a very happy daughter... I think shawn was happy too...
Well- we barely had time to eat this yummy dinner, before Heather and i had to run off to get her to graduation on time... and i would hold seats for the rest of the group... I AM SO PROUD of my girl... Look at her... Look at those medals!!!!!!

This is heather with her friend bailey... Adorable!
Heather catching shawn who flung himself into her arms afterwards... he was so excited!! So was she!!! Here is Her and her brother from another mother!!!! ... Oh look... There is the proud mother!!!

OH! There she is again
With G&G Pack and G&G Eccles

::::pausing the graduation story telling to take the time out to appreciate this picture... Dont deny me picture taking rights... i will get something you dont want.. and i will post it...::::::
Keara Eccles... AKA Hairy Beasty
The next morning- after she went to the all night party... We had a HUGE open house for her... Look at her with all these girls in her room... Yep! that is becca!

Little man ofcourse had plenty of fun as well... Here was his party... And on that note... I have a ton more pictures... but im sure this has taken forever to load up.... I am SO PROUD of both of my kids...

:::Doin the happy dance.... mostly looks like a drunken version of the macarena::::


1 comment:

Tamara Wheeler said...

OMG, I loved seeing all the pictures. With me being so far away, it is nice to see familiar faces.

Thanks for sharing. I do check in on your blog a good 2 times a month. And you usually have something new for me to read.